About us

The Good-Link Germany GmbH is located in the heart of Europe in Cologne, Germany. We are the first Good-Link branch out of China, founded in 2020 in cooperation with German shareholders and management.

Our goal: Good-Link Germany will become the best channel for European companies who wish to cooperate with partners in China.

Offices in China

  • Shenzhen
  • Shanghai
  • Changsha
  • Hong Kong

Offices in Germany

  • Cologne, Germany

Focus on Medical

  • Shenzhen Good-Link Medical Tech.
  • Shanghai Good-Link Medical Tech.


  • Shenzhen
  • Shanghai
  • Hong Kong

Good-Link China

Founded in 2004, Good-Link China operates across four cities in China with a team of 78 employees. Specialized in the automotive and medical sectors, we are proud of our established and extensive network of suppliers and customers. It started with cables, connectors and wiring harnesses, now our product portfolio consists of hundreds of different components like electric motors, castors, sensors and more. In 2023, our revenue reached 93 million Euro, reflecting our dedication to our partners for a substantial growth and success.

Our business culture

Our Team

Social and ecological responsibility

Beside our passion for international trading, social and ecological impacts are a very important topic to us.

That is why we care about manufacturing conditions, eco friendliness and efficient shipping as well as the safety of our products and customers.